Beethoven: Missa Solemnis performed by Oxford Bach Choir with the London Mozart Players

Considered by Beethoven to be his greatest achievement, the Missa Solemnis has been chosen by the choir to mark the Beethoven 250 celebrations. 

Beethoven wrestled with the Missa Solemnis for several years, and produced a work which is by turns solemn, heaven-storming, and turbulent, but also deeply contemplative.  Beethoven wrote on his score "From the heart - may it go to the heart!" and successive generations can testify that his wish has succeeded.

The OBC - which will be performing the Mass for the first time in over two decades - will be joined by the brilliant London Mozart Players and a superb team of soloists Katherine Crompton (Soprano), Susanna Spicer (Contralto), Justin Lavender (Tenor) and Edward Grint (Bass) - putting them in a fantastic position to perform this Everest of choral works.

The piece is by turns serene, beautiful, grand and theatrical. This is an evening not to be missed!

Ticket Information

Full price from £42 / £30 / £20 / £15 

Concessions available to students, under 18s and groups of 10 or more and carers. 

Tickets can be purchased online at or by calling the box office on +44 (0) 1865 980220

Performance Information

Doors will open at 7pm. Unfortunately latecomers are not permitted. Please note, there is not an interval during this concert.

The performance is due to finish at 9pm.

Wheelchair users, patrons with disabilities and their carers: Please telephone OBC Box Office 01865 980220 for availability and further information.

We regret that children under 6 years old cannot be admitted to this concert.

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