A performance by 'The Body Percussion Ensemble from Japan ' , where various parts of the body are struck like percussion instruments to create sounds, and the different sounds are arranged to create a rhythm ensemble. Japanese Drums and Piano will enhance this performance. The ensemble will be led by Toshiyuki Yamada.
The stage will be shared by the very talented St Peter's College Choir from Oxford, led by Quintin Beer which will sing a classical repertoire .
The Choir of St Peter’s College, University of Oxford is one of the finest mixed-voice choirs in the University. It comprises around 25 auditioned students and has an established reputation in Oxford, and further afield, for its choral excellence, diverse repertoire, and collegiality.
Quintin Beer is Director of Music at St Peter’s College, where he takes responsibility of the college choir and supervising all musical activity that happens within the college. He studied at St John’s College Cambridge and the Royal Academy of Music before starting his role at St Peter’s. In addition, he is Director of Music at St Cuthbert’s Church, Earl’s Court and is Musical Director of Saffron Walden Choral Society.
The evening will also include pieces by Soundabout Inclusive Choir, lead by Emma Hughes and Kate Wilkinson ,Soundabout is a musical community without barriers for people of all disabilities with a focus on giving a voice to people with severe and profound learning disabilities.
Ticket information:
Doors open at 18:30 ready for a 19:00 start
Running Time from 19:00 until 20:30
Suitable for all ages!
Book your FREE tickets now!